The insurance time limit that contract of company worth insurance agrees is1 year commonly, also can cast guarantee short-term a place difficult of access, after insurance period is full, can renew protect, but add is protected must do procedure additionally. 企业财产保险合同约定的保险期限一般为1年,也可以投保短期险,保险期满后,可以再续保,但续保须另办手续。
In separate statements, the two banks said on Tuesday they did not expect to have to sell short-term bonds backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, a banking regulator. 本周二,这两家银行分别发表声明称,它们认为今后发行短期债券将不再需要由银行业监管机构联邦存款保险公司(fdic)提供担保。
In person insurance, have a plenty of short-term insurance, if the disease is safe, the terms of payment of its insurance premium is similar to property insurance, be in commonly paid insurance premium in signing insurance contract. 在人身保险中,有的是短期保险,如疾病保险,其保险费的支付方式类似于财产保险,一般在签订保险合同中一次付清保险费。
Study on Market Operation and Model of China Short-term Export& Credit Insurance 中国短期出口信用保险市场化运作及其模式研究
Germany spends much less than 1 per cent of gross domestic product on its relatively generous short-term unemployment insurance. 德国在该国相对优厚的短期失业保险方面的支出,远低于国内生产总值(gdp)的1%。
A short-term cyclical unemployment insurance system, covering, say, the first six months of unemployment, would help stabilise the eurozone economy after a sudden asymmetric shock. 建立一个覆盖失业最初6个月的短期周期性失业保险体系,将有助于欧元区在遭遇突发性不对称冲击后稳定经济。
According to the short-term goal, to standardize and strengthen social insurance premiums raising mechanism, the tax sector should act as the only subject to levy social insurance premiums. 围绕这一目标,规范和加强社会保险费筹集机制,税务部门应该作为社保费的唯一征收主体。
Accordingly, increase in premium of life insurance in the short-term depends on widening marketing channels, offering more comprehensive services, speeding up product innovation and strengthening of indemnificatory products development by life insurance companies. 寿险公司应在短期内把部分储蓄转化成保费,在长期内要开发新的营销渠道、加快寿险产品创新、加强保障型产品的开发。
The seventh part analyses that motor vehicle insurance clauses and premium rate market also can produce the short-term risk and long-term risk, insurance company, insurance regulation department and insurance guild should adopt the measure positive reply the risk. 第七部分认为车险条款费率市场化也相应产生了短期市场风险和长期市场风险,保险公司、保险监管部门和行业协会都应采取措施积极应对风险。
It is very important to study the development of short-term export credit insurance in Changzhou. It is practically significant to research that how to enlarge the export trade in Changzhou with short-term export credit insurance. 因此,对短期出口信用保险在常州市的发展历程进行总结,探讨利用短期出口信用保险进一步支持常州市出口贸易的发展,具有非常重要的现实意义。
When the commercial insurance companies have accumulated some experience, we can encourage more companies to take part in the market. Thus, short-term export credit insurance market will be liberalized. 因此,应将短期出口信用保险业务分离出去。而这个时候,试点的商业保险公司已经积累了一定的经验,鼓励更多的商业机构参与进来,可以极大的激发市场的活力。
With several-year efforts made by Changzhou office, short-term export credit insurance has been giving great supports to the export trade of Changzhou. At the same time all kinds of factors restrict supporting function by short-term export credit insurance. 通过常州办事处几年的努力,短期出口信用保险对常州出口贸易的支持作用日益明显,同时其进一步发展也受到了各种因素的制约。
In the nineties of the last century, China had been carried out short-term environmental pollution liability insurance, the latter because of the unscientific premium and low payment rates no one participated in the insurance. 我国曾在上世纪九十年代短暂开展过环境污染责任保险,后因保费厘定的不科学、赔付率低等原因而陷入了无人投保的尴尬境地。
Those problems became the bottleneck to further expand market in Short-term life insurance business. 这些问题在一定程度上使信息化建设成为短期寿险业务进一步拓展市场的瓶颈。
The thesis introduces the general condition of export trade and analyses the export situation in Changzhou. With the case and data analysis, short-term export credit insurance obviously ensures and finances the exporters in Changzhou. 本文通过对常州近年出口总体情况的分析和对常州出口格局的剖析,运用实例分析和数据分析的方法,着重阐明短期出口信用保险对常州出口企业的收汇保障功能和贸易融资功能。
On this basis, through the Workflow Management Technology Research combine with the short-term needs of the life insurance business applications and processes, I have designed the work flow management model and set a short-term life insurance application system architecture, subsystems division. 在此基础上,通过对工作流管理技术的研究,结合短期寿险业务应用的需求与流程,设计了与之相适应的工作流管理模型,确定了短期寿险应用系统的总体结构、子系统划分。
In the short-term regulation aspect, government must to Expansion investment and to consummate the medical service, to raise waits persistently the system, increases the insurance, supports and so on. 在长期调控方面政府应注重对粮食生产的投入政府应完善相关的土地流转制度、医疗、养老等制度,加大保险,金融等支持。同时适度进口粮食,促进粮食安全的可持续性发展。
In the United Kingdom and France, for example, they release a short-term export credit insurance market. 以英国、法国和新加坡为例,他们都放开了对短期出口信用保险的准入监管,采取商业化运作模式。
By analyzing the short-term insurance, the short-term export credit insurance can be operated in market. 通过分析短期险商业化运作的可行性,本文认为短期出口信用保险是可以进行商业化运作的。
Since the two accounts exist, short-term insurance is not competitive with other companies. The profit of "business account" is not high. 由于两个账户同时存在,短期险与其他公司竞争优势不大,ECGD的商业账户盈利性并不高。
It is worth attention that the policy-related nature of short-term export credit insurance is weakened to some extent in developed countries which have longer histories of export credit insurance, along with the commercial factors enhanced as well. 值得注意的是,在较早开展出口信用保险的发达国家,出口信用保险的政策性在短期出口信用保险中有所削弱,而商业性得到了更大发展。
Second, the short-term insurance is profitable. 第二,短期险是具备盈利性特征的。